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Level 2 Food Safety for Catering
This eLearning course aims to provide food handlers with an appreciation of good food hygiene practices and equip them with the skills to work safely.
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Course Description
What’s It About?
Food businesses are obliged to provide food hygiene training for their staff to a level ‘commensurate to their work activities’.
In practice, this means that food handlers working in a variety of catering or retail outlets must be trained to Level 2 in food safety. Level 2 food safety training is the equivalent of the old basic food hygiene certificate.
Who’s It For?
This Level 2 Food Safety eLearning course is suitable for those working in a catering environment who are directly involved in preparing or handling high-risk foods. In other words, those who work in a catering business such as restaurants, cafes, hotels, bars, fast-food outlets, takeaways, mobile food trucks, kitchens, hospitals, schools and colleges.
However, if you work in a food-manufacturing environment, the Level 2 Food Safety for Manufacturing eLearning course would be the best choice.
Similarly, if you are not involved in the direct preparation of food within a business environment, the Level 1 Food Safety eLearning course would be more appropriate.
Supervisors and managers must be trained to a higher level. Therefore, the Level 3 Food Safety e-learning course would be the ideal option for this level of employee. Similarly, it is also useful for owners of small catering businesses.
What Does It Cover?
- Introduction to food hygiene
- Microbiological hazards
- Food poisoning and its control
- Contamination hazards and controls
- HACCP from delivery to service
- Personal hygiene
- Food premises and equipment
- Food pests and pest control
- Cleaning and disinfection
- Food safety enforcement
How Long Does It Take?
This Level 2 Food Safety eLearning course will typically take 4 – 5 hours to complete. However, as this Level 2 food safety eLearning training is hosted online, candidates can complete each module at a pace to suit them.
Who Is It Accredited By?
The course is accredited by Highfield Qualifications, the UK’s leading provider of regulated food safety qualifications. Richard Sprenger, founder of Highfield Qualifications and a renowned food safety expert and author wrote the course.
How Does It Work?
Our eLearning programmes are available on multiple platforms such as tablets, PCs, Macs and laptops. All you need is an Internet connection. Candidates log on to the Learner Management System and work their way through the course. Included in the course are scenarios that provide them with real-life context.
Our courses simplify even the most complex subjects through media and content-rich exercises that motivate and engage candidates. The key elements of our eLearning courses are:
- interactive exercises and gaming
- media-rich content
- interactive 3D scenarios
- content provided by market-leading experts
- relevant photography and illustrations
- multi-generational content and style
How’s It Assessed?
This Level 2 Food Safety eLearning course is assessed by multiple-choice questions at the end of the course. Candidates must score 100% to pass.
If the candidate does not achieve 100% the first time, they will be taken back to review the module they have struggled with. They can then retry the multiple-choice questions as many times as necessary to pass the course.
They will receive an electronic copy of your certificate immediately upon completion of the course. This certificate may be printed and used as evidence that you have been trained in food safety and hygiene to the appropriate level.
Please Note
This Level 2 Food Safety eLearning course alone does not provide a qualification. However, it does meet the UK’s mandatory training requirements for food handlers.
If you wish to achieve the recognised Level 2 Award in Food Safety qualification, you must sit an invigilated examination. This can be achieved by the Quality at Home service – please call us for further details.