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Choose from over 50 accredited courses available either at your premises, online via Zoom, as an eLearning course or at a public classroom event. Discover how your training can be tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
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Training Delivery Options
Discover which training delivery method suits you best, taking into our your budget, size and type of workforce, location, time frame and your training goals and objectives.
Our in-company training delivers cost-effective benefits to businesses of all sizes, across all industry sectors. Whether you are a local, national or international company, we are happy to train your employees at your premises. We can combine courses to fit your needs or tailor them to suit your specific business requirements.
Choose from a comprehensive range of public classroom training courses, suitable for candidates of all levels and experience and open to businesses and individuals alike. We have designed the courses to provide the best value for money while delivering effective learning solutions to improve standards of skill and knowledge.
This online trainer-led method of delivery offers all the benefits of face to face classroom training but is delivered online via Zoom straight to your home or work office. With lots of employees now working remotely, this method of delivery is proving very popular. Remotely invigilated examinations also mean that you can still gain a full qualification.
These online courses provide a convenient, high quality, yet cost-effective training solution. The programmes are ideal for induction, compliance or refresher training. With our eLearning, you can look forward to the same high standard of content, which you would expect from classroom training.
Not Sure What You Need?
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, our friendly team are here to help you. Please give us a call or send an email.