6 Benefits of First Aid Training In The Workplace
The figures on workplace injuries in the UK are shocking, despite the best efforts of employers to stay compliant with Health and Safety regulations.
In 2020/21, there were 51,211 employees injured at work, according to the HSE. How many more were not recorded under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)?
This makes it vital to have sufficient First Aid skills in your workplace.
Let’s explore this important topic further with the six main benefits of first aid training in the workplace.

Staying Health and Safety Compliant
Under HSE guidelines even a small, office-based business must at least have a First Aid box and a named person responsible for First Aid. Workplaces with any degree of risk are obliged to ensure that someone on site is properly trained in this vital area.
Clearly then, one of the benefits of first aid training in the workplace is to avoid failing a health and safety inspection!
Saves Lives and Reduces Injuries
Having someone competent and confident to tackle workplace injuries can literally save lives. Even if that simply involves briefing emergency services properly during a crisis.
However, First Aid training also provides other important insights and abilities. Ones that can minimise long-term damage or health-threatening issues when an accident occurs. Not only is the initial incident dealt with properly, but the injured person also has the best chance of a smooth recovery too.
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Staff Reassurance Factor
One of your health and safety obligations is to make staff aware of who is responsible for First Aid within your workplace. The knowledge that this individual is well trained and ‘ready for action’ can be hugely comforting for your team, and gives them confidence in their employers.
Team Building Opportunity
Some companies invest in First Aid training for several supervisors or team leaders. Offering access to a relevant accredited first aid training course creates a great team-building initiative and ensures you have round-the-clock help available too.
Protects Your Productivity
Having staff who are confident in an emergency, and who can assess and react quickly to workplace injuries, is advantageous for your whole team. However, one of the benefits of first aid training in the workplace is it can minimise business disruption when injuries occur, protecting your productivity.
Also, staff who have attended a First Aid course often provide preventative ideas, from spotting potential risks in your workplace.
Creates a Safe, Healthy Work Environment
Making your business a safe and attractive place to work, with a supportive corporate culture, is commercial common sense. One of the fundamental pillars of that is making sure you provide the best first aid at work training.