Gloucestershire Airport - Case Study

A home of all things aviation and in its present location since 1936, Gloucestershire Airport is nestled conveniently between the city of Gloucester and Cheltenham town, not far from the M5 and in the heart of the Cotswolds.

Case Study Glos Airport

Previously known as Staverton, Gloucestershire Airport served as an RAF training base during the Second World War and since that time has been a hub of activity for business purposes and general aviation; currently hosting upwards of 90,000 movements annually.

Safety is, of course, a top priority for those at Gloucestershire Airport, especially Landside Operations and Security Manager Clare Shepherd. In her role, Clare has the responsibility of training her security team. However, it was an area she lacked confidence due to a lack of both training experience and knowledge of how best to design and deliver training.  Clare participated in our Level 3 Award in Training Principles and Practice course, now called the Level 3 Award in Delivering Training Course, to overcome this barrier.

Clare shares, “As a result of attending the course, I have found my voice and confidence in delivering training.  Since returning to my workplace, I have created, implemented and delivered numerous training packages. This would not have been possible had I not attended this course and received the correct knowledge and support.”

“My experience with Envesca was beneficial, positive and fun.  Gloucestershire Airport will continue to build on our relationship with Envesca, and we are currently in the process of booking new recruits for upcoming courses.”


What Gloucestershire Airport have to say about us...

"As a result of attending the course I have now found my voice and confidence when it comes to delivering training."

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