What Are The Different Types Of Health And Safety Training
Health and safety training is an important part of any business. This training can help keep employees informed and safe during work and give them skills that they can use outside of the office, too.
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 requires you to provide whatever information, instruction, training and supervision is necessary to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of your employees. But what are the different types of health and safety training, and when might you need them?
Induction Training
Induction training is essential for new employees and will help them to become more familiar with their new work environment and empower them with knowledge on health and safety issues. Some of the topics covered should include fire safety, first aid, risk assessments, accident reporting procedures and welfare facilities.
Refresher Training
If you think that your employees have become complacent or have forgotten some of their health and safety training, then it may be time for a refresher! This training can help jog employee memories and get them reinvested in health and safety issues – and can also be used when skills have become outdated and need to be brought in line with current compliance expectations. It is also ideal if processes or equipment have changed. It is recommended that refresher training is carried out at least every three years.
Toolbox Talks
Are you looking for a less formal way to bring employees up to speed? ‘Toolbox talks’ are a great way to do this. They can be conducted as an informal workplace safety meeting and provide health and safety group training without too much formality. These talks should help to promote a positive safety culture within the workplace and encourage employees to behave responsibly. You may wish to cover hazards, risk assessments, and health and safety updates during these talks.
Onsite Classroom Training
Having onsite classroom training is a cost-effective method of providing training to businesses of all sizes across any industry. If you’re looking to have all members of staff take part in training in person then this can also be tailored to suit your specific requirements and sector.
Public Virtual Training
Virtual training is becoming a popular method of training, especially if candidates are based in various locations or the numbers are too large to attend in one specific area. The key benefits of virtual training are that you can still have the advantages of a traditional course room but is less time consuming to organise and those that would normally struggle to travel can still attend from their location.
Health and Safety eLearning
An eLearning course is a perfect way of introducing or refamiliarising health and safety in the workplace through an accessible programme on multiple platforms such as computers, laptops and tablets. Candidates can work on the exercises at their own pace through the Learner Management System before completing a multiple-choice exam to end the course, and for higher levels, this can lead to qualifications.
Progression to a Higher Level to Enable Promotion
Working towards higher levels of training will not only gain you the skills and knowledge of health and safety, but it can result in progression through your organisation. Upon completion, many courses at higher levels will allow you to be able to take what you’ve learnt and provide training of your own to other members of staff.
You can train your employees in all things health and safety with the help of Envesca. We cover a wide range of health and safety training which covers Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. These are suitable to staff at all levels of a company, and our health and safety training can be tailored to cover specific topics that are important to your business.
The kind of health and safety training your company requires may change and evolve with time in line with changing employees and constantly evolving legislation surrounding safety at work. Whatever kind of health and safety training you require, get in touch with Envesca.
Envesca training covers a host of different types of health and safety topics, so let us know how we can help your business to become a happier, safer environment for all employees.